Cantabria to lead the regional action in the European Strategy for the Atlantic
At the proposal of Renew Europe the Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Justice and Foreign Action, Paula Fernández Viaña, who represents the Government of Cantabria in the European Committee of the Regions, was appointed for this position in today’s Natural...
Delivering the Green Deal on the ground with Vincent Chauvet and Mirja Vehkapera
To influence the thinking of other European institutions and to ensure that concrete ideas are taken up from the local level, a Green Deal Going Local Working Group was launched within the European Committee of the Regions with our members Vincent Chauvet (FR/Modem)...
Cardenete sobre el futuro del turismo durante y después del Coronavirus
Manuel Alejandro Cardenete, viceministro de la Vicepresidencia de Turismo, Justicia y Administración Local de la Junta de Andalucía, habla sobre el futuro del turismo y la importancia de este sector económico. Es también el ponente sobre el futuro del turismo...
Cardenete on the future of tourism during and after Corona
Manuel Alejandro Cardenete, Vice-Minister in the office of the Vice President of the Andalusian government in charge of Tourism, Justice and Local Administration, discusses the future of tourism and how vital this economic important sector is. He is also the...