Tackling the urgent housing crisis will help the Single Market
Speaking on 4-5 March 2024 at the European Conference of Housing Ministers, CoR Rapporteur on housing, Andres Jaadla from Rakvere, Estonia proposed solutions to the European housing crisis. The Conference was part of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the...
The importance of the Chips Act for Europe
“The EU Chips act is important not just for the Netherlands, but also for Europe” argues Martin Van Gruijthuijsen, regional minister in charge for of Economy and Innovation for the Dutch province of North-Brabant. “Chips are present in almost every...
MEP Pislaru and CoR assess chances for recovery and resilience
The success of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF) is under threat after only a few countries took on input of local and regional authorities for the RFF, a 672.5 billion instrument to support the Recovery Plan for Europe. Liberal MEPs and CoR members addressed...
Delivering the Green Deal on the ground with Vincent Chauvet and Mirja Vehkapera
To influence the thinking of other European institutions and to ensure that concrete ideas are taken up from the local level, a Green Deal Going Local Working Group was launched within the European Committee of the Regions with our members Vincent Chauvet (FR/Modem)...