Following on from the success of the previous Summits of Young Elected Local and Regional Leaders that took place in 2017, 2018 and 2019, our Renew Europe CoR group has yet again...
News section of Renew Europe Group
Gillian Coughlan & Mart Vorklaev on Broadband Platform
Renew Europe CoR nominated Gillian Coughlan (IE) and Mart Vorklaev (EE) to the Broadband Platform. This platform aims to contribute to the deployment of faster, better and...
Irma Baralija on elections in Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina finally decided to hold elections in Mostar. Irma Baralija, a local politician from Mostar and vice-President of Bosnian liberal party Naša Stranka, has...
The role of the EU’s Cohesion Policy in view of the Corona-virus
Our coordinator for the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER) Michiel Rijsberman (D66, NL) was appointed rapporteur for the report on "The role of the...
Renew Europe CoR shows the way to a Green Deal and effective EU Budget
Renew Europe members proposed economic recovery solutions in debate with European Commissioners, putting the Green Deal at the centre of the recovery during a hybrid plenary...
Double liberal victory in France
Our members Vincent Chauvet and Jean-Noël Verfaillie were respectively re-elected and elected for the first time as Mayor for Autun and Marly during the second round of the...
COVID-19 accelerates the digital transformation of local democracy
Rait Pihelgas (EE/Reform Party) argues that local and regional authorities should fully embrace new technologies and the digital age. “There’s a new digital political arena...
Cantabria to lead the regional action in the European Strategy for the Atlantic
At the proposal of Renew Europe the Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Justice and Foreign Action, Paula Fernández Viaña, who represents the Government of Cantabria in the...
Delivering the Green Deal on the ground with Vincent Chauvet and Mirja Vehkapera
To influence the thinking of other European institutions and to ensure that concrete ideas are taken up from the local level, a Green Deal Going Local Working Group was launched...
Renew Europe CoR Culture Coordinator discusses recovery with European Commission
Cllr Kate Feeney highlights how local authorities continued to deliver culture throughout lockdown and says that cultural heritage will need to be an important part of the...
Renew Europe reaches 50 full members in European Committee of the Regions
With Gusty Graas (DP - Luxembourg), Renew Europe CoR reaches 50 full members and is bigger than ever. The Renew Europe Group in the European Committee of the Regions has reached...
Renew Europe coordinators react to MFF
Our coordinators react to the European Commission's proposal of a major €2.4 trillion recovery plan based on using a powerful and modern EU budget to deliver a more sustainable,...