Keeping it simple shouldn’t be difficult
How REFIT wants to keep EU laws simple and less costly EU laws should be as simple and reduce the costs of regulation, so that citizens, businesses and authorities can reap the intended benefits of them in the easiest and most straightforward way. To achieve this, the...
European Liberals call for a simplified EU Cohesion Policy without national government management
The move would reduce “gold plating” and allow subnational managing authorities to apply directly to the European Commission. The Congress of the European liberals, the ALDE Party, on Saturday 3 December in Warsaw, approved a proposal by the ALDE Group in...
Aviation strategy to foster growth, jobs and mobility
An aviation strategy is important for economic growth, jobs, trade and mobility in the EU The liberalization of the European aviation market served us well – we have seen strong growth, jobs, trade and mobility but emerging economies outside of the EU and new...
EU Cohesion policy: a stronger role for regional and local players
Almost a third of the total EU budget of 351,8 billion euro has been allocated for the cohesion policy over the period 2014 – 2020. To ensure the maximum impact of these investments, more effective and efficient use of Cohesion policy support should be ensured. A...