Water management: thirsty for innovation

Water management: thirsty for innovation

Climate change and intensification of land-use present major challenges for our water management. Cees Loggen (NL / VVD) sets out to improve the implementation of EU water legislation with innovative solutions. Climate change is the defining issue of our generation,...
Alcohol: it’s no laughing matter

Alcohol: it’s no laughing matter

Ewa-May Karlsson takes the lead for a new and better strategy on alcohol-related harm Alcohol abuse has a large impact on our society, whether it is on the societal, social or economic level. With her report, Ewa-May Karlsson focuses on future action and prevention...
Delivering the 5th generation Internet

Delivering the 5th generation Internet

The connectivity needs of Europeans are growing. At the same time the digital economy offers new opportunities to boost Europe’s economy. For this reason the telecoms rules are being reviewed. Mart VÕRKLAEV’s policy recommendations on for instance 5G...