Renew Europe CoR to hold 9 May Summit of Mayors

Renew Europe CoR to hold 9 May Summit of Mayors

On Europe Day, Saturday 9 May 2020, Liberal Mayors will discuss and approve during a video conference a declaration on what kind of Europe Liberal Mayors believe is necessary 70 years after the Schuman declaration and coming out of this terrible COVID-19 pandemic. 9...
Liberal Mayors take action to protect democracy

Liberal Mayors take action to protect democracy

The largest Liberal Mayors Summit so far during the ALDE Party Congress in Madrid, Spain on 9 November 2018, calls on all liberal mayors around the world to help protect democracy from the rising trend of authoritarian, illiberal, anti-pluralist leaders. With a...
Principles that make cities and communities liberal

Principles that make cities and communities liberal

With our publication on what makes cities and communities liberal, we aim to prove that liberal principles are the right ones to develop successful urban societies, also outlining how Mayors can put them into practice.For the first time in the history of humanity,...