ALDE meetings

ALDE Group Meeting | 31 January 2018 |10.30-13.00 | Brussels | JDE51

ALDE Group Meeting | 22 March 2018 |10.30-13.00 | Brussels | JDE51


The main topic of the meeting focused on EU budget (Multi-annual Financial Framework). Every seven years, the Union decides about its future finances. The current period runs from 2014-2020. The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union will mean the loss of a significant contributor to the financing of the Union’s policies and programmes. The Commission intends to present its proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework by early May 2018 at the latest, on the basis of intensive consultations with Member States, the European Parliament and the wider public.


ALDE External Seminar | 23 April 2018 |08.30-14.00 | Riga | Riga Freeport Authority

This year the annual study visit and external seminar which is hosted by our Latvian member

Dainis TURLAIS will take place on 23 April in Riga

. The seminar will focus on security and EU-Russia affairs and it will be followed by a study visit to the National Armed Forces Military Base in Ādaži


As previous time, the main topic of the meeting will focus on EU budget (Multi-annual Financial Framework). On May 2, the European Commission proposed the next long-term EU budget for the 2021-2027 period, known as the Multiannual Financial Framework. The proposal is an attempt to address the challenges the EU is facing while dealing with a sizeable gap left by the withdrawal of one of the largest net contributor, United Kingdom, from the EU.

During the last group meeting, ALDE members highlighted that cities and regions all over Europe are using cohesion funds to support SMEs for climate adoption and to find transport solutions. These projects are addressing new priorities and reduction of the funds would reduce the capacity of cities and regions to address these new challenges.

ALDE External Group Meeting | 11 June 2018 |10.00-17.00 | Paris | Palais du Luxembourg

ALDE Group Meeting | 16 May 2018 |10.30-13.00 | Brussels | JDE51

The main topic of the meeting will focus on the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is not science fiction; it is already part of our everyday lives, from using a virtual personal assistant to organise our day, to fully automated manufacturing and distribution processes. According to some studies, it is estimated that by 2035 we will no longer measure country’s economic growth in terms of capital, but rather by its degree of evolution in Artificial Intelligence. Thus AI is one of the most strategic technologies of the 21st century. However, with great change comes great responsibility and AI raises certain questions: how can Europe maintain its position at the forefront of these developments? Will AI and robotics increase unemployment, how will AI redefine privacy and data protection? What ethical guidelines should we create for AI development?

Therefore, you are encouraged to prepare for this discussion beforehand by thinking about questions you might have for the speakers as well as sharing any experience you may have had in your city or region in the area of artificial intelligence.


ALDE Group Meeting | 5 December 2018 |10.30-13.00 | Brussels | JDE51
