Bucharest Summit – building a liberal Europe bottom up
National, regional and local liberals gathered at the 8th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Bucharest, Romania to discuss the future of the EU. Our members and young elected liberal politicians set out their views for renewing Europe and how they, through their...
Un nouvel Erasmus
Après le succès d’Erasmus pour les étudiants, les apprentis, les jeunes entrepreneurs, les professionnels de l’enseignement supérieur et les journalistes, le vice-président de l’ADLE au Comité européen des régions, François Decoster, appelle à un...
Erasmus with a twist
After the success of Erasmus for students, apprentices, young entrepreneurs, higher education professionals and journalists, ALDE’s Vice-President in the European Committee of the Regions François Decoster now urges for an Erasmus programme for local...