Letter from Brussels
Did you know that 50% of all public investment in the European Union is carried out by subnational government in the 27 member states? Did you know that the EU’s capital is a city of one million with a history going back a thousand years? Letter from Brussels is a 15-minute podcast bringing you stories about the leaders making the EU a reality on the ground, as well as little-known stories about the city of Brussels, capital of the Union. The podcast comes out approximately every two months and is produced by the Renew Europe group in the European Committee of the Regions.
Letter from Brussels is written and narrated by Sean O’Curneen, Secretary General of Renew Europe CoR, a former journalist, and is partly inspired by BBC radio’s Letter from America by Alistair Cooke which ran from 1946 to 2004. The podcast is recorded in English and can be listened to via most major podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iVoox as well as YouTube. It appears after every CoR plenary, at least 5 times a year.

“Letter from Brussels” podcast episode 2 out now!
Episode 2 of Letter from Brussels is now available! In this episode listeners will learn about the little known story of the artist who sculpted Robert Schuman’s bust, and it...

Renew Europe CoR launches “Letter from Brussels” podcast
A 15-minute podcast written for the members of the Liberal Mayors Network, and any other interested listeners, Letter from Brussels brings to liberal mayors first-hand...