As part of the European Week of Cities and Regions, the EU Open Days, the ALDE group in the Committee of the Regions held on 13 October a workshop on eGovernment. The moderator,...
News section of Renew Europe Group
Bas Verkerk keynote speaker at conference on sustainable and liveable urban futures
Speaking on behalf of the European Committee of the Regions at the seminar on "Transition towards Sustainable and Liveable Urban Futures", ALDE-CoR President Bas Verkerk (Mayor...
“More help needed for regions in EU migration crisis”, says Francois Decoster in the LIBE committee
Local and regional authorities across the European Union need more financial support from the EU in order to cope with the challenges of hosting large numbers of refugees and...
Integrating refugees and migrants: ALDE-CoR visits Calais and St Omer
As European leaders struggle to find solutions to the refugee crisis, a delegation from the ALDE Group in the European Committee of the Regions visited on 18 September reception...
Vote in EP plenary on the urban dimension of EU policies reflects ALDE-CoR positions: several proposals taken up by MEPs
Following the vote on the Urban Agenda in the plenary session of the European Parliament, ALDE-CoR President Bas Verkerk (NL/ALDE), said that "the result of this vote reflects a...
EP REGI committee chair praises collaboration between CoR and EP on the Urban Agenda
On 15 July the CoR commission for territorial cohesion and EU Budget (COTER) discussed how to better deliver EU cohesion policy on the ground with Ms Iskra Mihaylova, Chair of...
Liberal rapporteurs in the CoR tackle food waste and radicalisation
The opinions on food waste by rapporteur Ossi Martikainen (FI, Keskusta) and tackling radicalisation by Bart Somers (BE / Open VLD) were high on the agenda of the Committee of...
Thirty young councillors discover the Committee of the Regions in a joint event with LYMEC
Last week, from the 2nd to the 4th of June about 30 young Liberal councilors from across Europe convened in Brussels in a joint ALDE Group in the Committee of the Regions...
“In a knowledge-driven economy, cities and towns are engines for growth and jobs in the EU” – Bas Verkerk (ALDE/NL) speaking in the European Parliament REGI committee
Invited to speak on behalf of the CoR in the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament on the urban dimension of EU policies, ALDE-CoR President Bas Verkerk...
The new ALDE presidency team takes office for the 6th mandate of the CoR
At its group meeting preceding the February plenary session, the ALDE members elected their Bureau and coordinators for the CoR commissions: President – Mr Bas VERKERK (NL),...
ALDE celebrates 10 years in the Committee of the Regions by re-electing Bas Verkerk as its President, and electing him as its candidate for the Presidency of the institution
In its meeting held today, Thursday 5 February, coinciding with the beginning of the 6th mandate of the Committee of the Regions the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe...
Ebola and Syria: ALDE hears how local authorities can help
Local and regional authorities have a key role in helping to combat two very different crises, but both having major international implications: the ebola virus outbreak in...