Europe Correspondents: new way to communicate about EU
How can we bring Europe closer to the citizens? A delegation of ten CIVEX-members visited Saint-Omer, France to find how a network of Europe Correspondents, launched in May 2018 in the Urban Conglomeration of Saint Omer’s area (CAPSO) by François Decoster, Mayor...
Our Vice-President Gabrič awarded 2018 Mayor of Distinction title
Our third Vice-President Jasna Gabrič was awarded the title of “Mayor of distinction” in the 2018 World Mayor Prize, alongside for instance the Mayors of Lille, Paris, Tunis, Cologne and Fort Worth, for her work in her city of Trbovlje, Slovenia.Reacting...
Gabric sets the example for women running for office
Our Vice-President Jasna Gabrič shared her own inspirational story about being a woman and empowering women in politics at the local level during the European Committee of the Regions conference “Europe For Her”. Gabrič was re-elected as Mayor of...