The new ALDE presidency team takes office for the 6th mandate of the CoR

At its group meeting preceding the February plenary session, the ALDE members elected their Bureau and coordinators for the CoR commissions:

President – Mr Bas VERKERK (NL), Mayor of Delft
First Vice-President – Mrs Agnès DURDU (LU), Member of Wincrange Municipal Council
Second Vice-President – Mr Bart SOMERS (BE), Mayor of Mechelen and Open VLD chairman in the Flemish Parliament
Third Vice-President – Mr François DECOSTER (FR), Mayor of Saint-Omer

Elected members of the Bureau
Mr Jerry LUNDY (IE) – Sligo County Councillor
Mr Andris JAUNSLEINIS (LV) – Member of Ventspils Municipal Council
Mr Vytautas GRUBLIAUSKAS (LT) – Member of Klaipėda City Municipal Council
Ms Jasna GABRIČ (SI) – Mayor of the Municipality of Trbovlje

Ex-Officio Bureau members
Chair of CIVEX – Mr François DECOSTER (FR)
Chair of TURKEY Working Group – Mr Jean-Luc VANRAES (BE), President of the Council of the Flemish Community Commission in Brussels
2nd Vice Chair COTER – Mr Dainis Turlais (LV), Member of Rīga City Council
2nd Vice Chair ECON – Mrs Simone Beissel (LU), Municipal Councillor of the City of Luxembourg
2nd Vice Chair CAFA – Mrs Agnès DURDU (LU)

Coordinator CAFA (Commission for Administrative and Financial Affairs)
Mrs Agnès DURDU (LU)

Coordinator CIVEX (Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs Commission)

Coordinator COTER (Territorial Cohesion and Transport Commission)
Mr Ralph DE VRIES (NL) Deputy: Jean-François BARNIER (FR)

Coordinator ECON (Economic Policy Commission)
Mr Jean-Luc VANRAES (BE) Deputy: Mrs Kate FEENEY (IE)

Coordinator SEDEC (Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture Commission)
Mrs Doreen HUDDART (UK) Deputy: Mr Rogier VAN DER SANDE (NL)

Coordinator ENVE (Environment, Climate Change and Energy Commission)
Mr Andres JAADLA (EE) Deputy: Mr Jens IVE (DK)

Coordinator NAT (Natural Resources Commission)

Subsidiarity Steering Group Coordinator

Coordinator CORLEAP (Conference of Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership)

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