Missing transport links in border regions
This article was published under the 2015-2020 European Committee of the Regions mandate.
3 December 2019
9 February
Adopted at CoR Plenary
Bridging missing links in border regions for all transport modes – road, rail and water – will open up new opportunities for citizens and businesses, boosting employment and tourism, says Michiel Scheffer.
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Missing links in border regions form part of a wider issue: lack of financing for the development of local and regional transport infrastructure. In view of the upcoming budgetary review there is a necessity to intensify the political effort to close the missing transport links in Europe’s border region. The own initiative opinion handles the missing links in the context of cross-border mobility and also to frame it in the wider context of reinforced cooperation with the EP and the European Commission.The opinion assess the needs for closing the missing links of small scale infrastructures in Europe and to find ways for financing them in the future. The objective of the opinion is to address the development of local and regional transport infrastructure in border regions.
28 September 2017 Speaker at the “Missing Links: the Renaissance of regional Cross-Border Rail” in the European Parliament with Michael Cramer MEP.
February 2017 Discussed his report and other infrastructure works and funding with MEP Matthijs van Miltenburg (D66) in the European Parliament.
30 November 2016 Debate with Gesine Meissner MEP, ALDE coordinator in the TRAN committee
29 September 2016 Discussion with Dominique Riquet MEP, Vice-President of the TRAN committee

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Bridging missing #transport links in EU border regions: https://t.co/CTl7wxn70V. #Corplenary adopted @MichielScheffer report! pic.twitter.com/5Tflwp869g
— ALDE-CoR (@ALDE_CoR) February 8, 2017