Delivering on low-emission mobility
This article was published under the 2015-2020 European Committee of the Regions mandate.
3 December 2019
Adoption at CoR Plenary
December 2017
appointment of the rapporteur
Profound changes are needed to the way people and goods move today to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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The objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport by at least 60% compared with 1990 levels by 2050 can only be achieved by making profound changes to the way we move people and goods today.
The recently published “Clean Mobility Package” aims to deliver initial results through legislative and non-legislative measures and should provide Member States and Local and Regional Authorities with the necessary tools to better invest in clean vehicles and alternative fuel infrastructure.
15 July
Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia interviewed Michiel Scheffer on his report. In the article, Scheffer argues that the real ecological transition will be the change to zero-emission cars and, in particular, the downward trend in the prices of these vehicles so that everyone can access them.
12 July
Discussion on the wider mobility and low emission mobility with Dominique Riquet MEP, shadow rapporteur for related opinions, following on the approval of rapporteur Scheffer’s report on Delivering Low Emission Mobility.
6 July
EU’s cities and regions say wide-ranging changes are needed if emissions in a critically important sector of the economy are finally to fall. Rapporteur Scheffer: “Transport is the one area where the EU has made no progress in reducing emissions. Transport accounts for almost a fifth of Europe’s climate-changing emissions, yet it is the only sector whose emissions have not fallen since 1990. This is intolerable as well as unsustainable; public concern about pollution is rising, and radical changes are needed fast. So I am more concerned with how we can scale up the market for clean transport technologies rapidly and with the quality of the EU’s legislative proposals than its headline targets.”
27 June
Rapporteur Scheffer discussed the experiences in the Netherlands with zero and low emission buses and the total cost of ownership during the “Bus Fleet Renewal through deployment of clean and efficient Vehicles” Workshop of UITP – (International Association of Public Transport) in Brussels. He also joined the panel discussion which debated the conclusions of the event.
Michiel Scheffer presented his views on his opinion and about alternative fuels infrastructure more specifically to a Economic and Social Committee (EESC)’s study group of the commission on Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN).
Rapporteur Scheffer discussed his opinion with Mr. Ulrich Samm, EESC Rapporteur on clean vehicles and Mr Herald Ruijters, Director for investment, innovation and sustainable transport in DG MOVE.
2017 November Appointment of rapporteur

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Delivering on low-#emission #mobility? @MichielScheffer is on it: Local authorities will be key enablers for the deployment of alternative fuel charging infrastructure.
— ALDE-CoR (@ALDE_CoR) 1 March 2018